Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fix : Netbeans 8 create test problem

If you encounter these error.
The referenced parameter '--ansi' is not registered.

When creating a test . Theres a good chance that you are using an old phpunit-skel generator
so to solve the problem .

Follow the my instruction on how I solve the error.

First download these file . these is the updated skel generator

1. ) https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit-skelgen.phar

1.1 ) locate the download phar file

1.2 ) usually it is located at downloads folder , atleast in my case . copy that file.

1.3) Locate your skelgen files . in my case it is located at C:\wamp\bin\pear . Paste the copied file in these folder.

2. ) These is what our files should look like .

3. ) Edit the batch file.
4. ) Finally add the .phar extension

5.)  Close the file and save the changes . You can now generate test file from an existing php file.

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