Thursday, January 22, 2015

Understanding Git Rebas

The Base Way to understand git rebase

Follow the link and you will see the light

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Some javascript stuff that existed in javasciprt

Today I learned again another trick using javascript

Problem : check if the string passed the regex , if yes execute the function

you can solve it these way

these will return false
/d/.test("kevin") && (function(){console.log('aw')})()

if you want it to execute
/kevin/g.test("kevin") && (function(){console.log('aw')})()

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fix : Netbeans 8 create test problem

If you encounter these error.
The referenced parameter '--ansi' is not registered.

When creating a test . Theres a good chance that you are using an old phpunit-skel generator
so to solve the problem .

Follow the my instruction on how I solve the error.

First download these file . these is the updated skel generator

1. )

1.1 ) locate the download phar file

1.2 ) usually it is located at downloads folder , atleast in my case . copy that file.

1.3) Locate your skelgen files . in my case it is located at C:\wamp\bin\pear . Paste the copied file in these folder.

2. ) These is what our files should look like .

3. ) Edit the batch file.
4. ) Finally add the .phar extension

5.)  Close the file and save the changes . You can now generate test file from an existing php file.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

things i've learned from javascript the good parts

the bad parts
type of null is Object
xD ... FWT

use triple equal operator
dont use double equal operator

check if empty or not

somevalues = someArr[x]

if(somevalues === undefined){

0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3
dont blame javascript here
its a problem with IEEE floating point

JSLint = code quallity checker


The good parts

Dynamic objects

Loose Typing

Object Literals

dont use the 'new'

doest work , dunno have they fixed these?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Javascript lessons I've learned

function IWillCallYou(){
alert("there are : "+arguments.length+" arguments passed");

function IWillCallYou(){
alert("Who dares to call "+arguments.callee);

the use of self invoking function  ,
to impose variable issolation ,

var dt = (function(){
var myclass = {

return myclass;

javascript array methods
 every = if one is false , all is gone to oblivion , it is false , everything should be true to return true
 some = its okay to make mistakes , even if one is false , besides we only need one statemetn to be true
 filter = define a method that will run and to check which one I should return , using your defintion of how I filter the data . I will run in every data inside these damn array and if I return true then the current value passed , if I dont return true then the current data will be disregarded . now the filtering is done . I will now collect all data passed using your defined way of filter and return it . the unfortunate data (those who failed to pass) , well they dont make it.
 forEach = hey just do your thing in every data inside the  array

 creating custom objects

 when creating class in javascript
 create use prototype
 to define a method

  return true;

Method leasing  , yes you heard me method leasing ..
can I use your method for a while .
besides we have the same properties that that method use

for example

var shitMan = {
if (this.hasAButtHole) {
console.log("dumping huge shit!");
var cantShitButHasButtHole = {

the magic code

and they live happily ever after ..

side question , what if
I want to pass argument to that freakin method ?
well you can use
arguments[0] = first argument passed

If you are a hipster and dont want to use that apply
you can use call method,["sexy arguments"]); // yup , it is almost the same to apply

Dont get fooled
arguments is not array , its an object trust me .
heres the magic code to test it

function avadaKadabra(){
console.log(  {}.toString.apply(arguments)  )


so how do I treat it like its an array .
well glad you ask . you can do it like these

//TypeError: Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type
function avadaKadabra(){
console.log(  [].join.apply(arguments,"|")  )

// no error at all .
function avadaKadabra(){
console.log(  [],"|")  )

want to know the difference ,
the answer is the second parameter type .
using apply , the second parameter should be an array

while using call ,
you can pass infinite arguments

to fix the error

//TypeError: Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type
function avadaKadabra(){
console.log(  [].join.apply(arguments,["|"])  )

now , whats the difference between apply and call

function something(){
if (arguments instanceOf Object) {};

popedData = Array.prototype.pop.apply(arguments);
console.log("THe poped data is : "+popedData);
