When I was just starting out. These code looks hideously cryptic and hard to understand .
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
/*'type'=>'striped bordered condensed',*/
'itemsCssClass'=>'table table-striped',
array('name'=>'id', 'header'=>'#'),
array('name'=>'firstName', 'header'=>'First name'),
array('name'=>'lastName', 'header'=>'Last name'),
array('name'=>'language', 'header'=>'Language', 'type'=>'raw'),
array('name'=>'usage', 'header'=>'Usage', 'type'=>'raw'),
)); ?>
so I went experimenting on how to make these more readable and here is what I have found.
$myGridview = new CGridView();
$myGridview->itemsCssClass = 'table table-hover';
$myGridview->dataProvider = $gridDataProvider;
$myGridview->template = "{items}";
$myGridview->columns = array(
array('name'=>'id', 'header'=>'#'),
array('name'=>'firstName', 'header'=>'First name'),
array('name'=>'lastName', 'header'=>'Last name'),
array('name'=>'language', 'header'=>'Language', 'type'=>'raw'),
array('name'=>'usage', 'header'=>'Usage', 'type'=>'raw'),
echo $myGridview->run(); // to print the widget
yes the code looks longer than the first one , If you are using php storm as your IDE you can easily explore your widget's other attributes and functions.
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